Dive into our collection of expert insights and resources. From detailed technical papers to practical handouts, this is your go-to place for in-depth knowledge about hops, brewing science, and industry innovations. Explore and stay informed!
Hop aroma substances – small but fine
2023Categorization and Quantification of hop-aroma for targeted breedingKettle Hop Products to Optimize Alcohol-Free BeersMonitoring of Glycosidically Bound Polyphenols in Hops and Hop Products Using LC-MS/MS TechniqueQuantitative analysis of a large spectrum of hop phenolic compounds by LC-MS/MS
2022Discovery of Acetohumulone and Acetolupulone a New Hop Alpha Acid and Beta AcidHow alcohol content in dry-hopped beer affects final beer composition
2021Dry hopping with Eureka! – Brewing tests and analysesEverything under control? Dry hopping and chemicalphysical properties of beerNew England IPA: The Hop Aroma Champion of Beers
2020 Innovative technology to reduce beer losses at dry hoppingThe impact of different hop compounds on the growth of selected beer spoilage bacteria in beerIdentification of tandem repeat families from long-read sequences of Humulus lupulusLe sachet est ouvert et alors ... ?Dry hopping potential of Eureka!, a new hop varietyInfluence of filtration on dry-hopped beers
2019Influence of Pasteurization on Dry Hopped Beer Impact of dry hopping on physical and chemical attributes of beer Hidden Secrets of the New England IPA
20183D Molecular Cytology of Hop Meiotic Chromosomes Reveals Non-disomic Pairing and Segregation, Aneuploidy, and Genomic Structural VariationDry Hopping and Its Effect on Beer FoamMicrobiologically Important Components in Hoppy Beers (Part 2)Dry Hopping and Its Effect on Beer Bitterness, the IBU Test, and pHMicrobiologically Important Components in Hoppy Beers (Part 1)Tips for storing hop pellets
2017Systematic Monitoring of ResiduesSimple yet effective: Removing hops sediment after dry hoppingNon-Mendelian Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Inheritance and Atypical Meiotic Configurations are Prevalent in Hop
2016How to predict the hop aroma profile in dry-hopped beersHumulinone Formation in Hops and Hop Pellets and Its Implications for Dry Hopped Beers
Hard resins: New findings about a familiar hop fractionDry hopping y maduración en barriles de madera ¿Competencia o interacción entre distintos sabores?Dry Hopping and Its Effects on the International Bitterness Unit Test and Beer BitternessControl de residuos riguroso
2014Well-rounded sensory evaluationA natural foam enhancer from hopsInfluence of Different Hop Products on the cis/trans Ratio of Iso-Acids in Beer and Changes in Key Aroma and Bitter Taste MoleculesA tasting of specially hopped beersTransfer of Nitrate and various Pesticides into Beer during Dry Hopping
2013Revival of Process: Dry hopping – basics and techniquesNext Generation Sequencing for a Plant of Great TraditionInfluence of Picking Date on the Initial Hop Storage Index of Freshly Harvested HopDry hopping – a study of various parametersSpecial hop varieties for unique beers – Part 2
2009Isomerized Hop Extract as a Replacement for Conventional Hop ExtracHops and Health by Martin Biendl Características típicas – Experiencias prácticas con nuevas variedades de lúpuloFluctuations in hop quality – options for adjustment in the brewhouse
2008Hops: Medicinal plant of the year 2007
2007The “Alpha Clause” for European aroma hopsInfluence of different boiling bitter and aroma substances Production of light stable beers on a commercial scaleBeer: bitter and healthy
2006Glycosidically bound flavour compounds in hops, products and beer
2004Investigation into the high levels of xanthohumol found in Stout and Porterstyle beers
Environmental contaminants in hopsBrewing trials with a xanthohumolenriched hop product
2002Use of a xanthohumol-rich hop product in beer productionPre-isomerised hop products – potential and practical use
2000Physiological significance of polyphenols and hop bitters in beer